Side Story: Lucy, I Want You To Like Me

The next second, she heard him say, "This is Jeanne, my sister's daughter. My sister died early, so I'm her guardian from now on."

Guardian? However, from the looks of it, the girl called Jeanne was really very young, about 17 or 18 years old. 

"I'm 19," Jeanne introduced herself.

She really did not know what was wrong with Kingsley to suddenly bring back a woman for her to meet. From the look in the woman's eyes, she knew that the woman must have misunderstood something.

"Oh, hello. I'm Lucy. I'm 25 years old."

"Is she supposed to be my sister?" Jeanne was asking Kingsley.

"You can call her your aunt," Kingsley said bluntly.

Jeanne's eyes widened. Lucy was six years older than her, yet she had to call her aunt?

"She's the same seniority as me," Kingsley explained.

At that time, Jeanne and Kingsley were not close enough for her to talk back to him. Hence, she called out, "Aunt Lucy."