Paige, The Divine Helper

Paige asked in her young voice, "Godfather, how long do we have to wait? I'm hungry."

It was Finn who told Paige to call him Godfather. Since Piage was at an age where she did not know how to address him, she would call him whatever he told her to. 

"Wait a while more. When Godmother comes out, I will bring you home to eat your favorite barbecue pork ribs."

"Alright." Paige nodded obediently.

Finn patted Paige's head lovingly and then turned to look at the entrance of the Cardellini Enterprise's building. He looked for Monica among the people who were coming and going from work.

Suddenly, he quickly opened the car door. After getting out of the car, he quickly opened the back door, picked up Paige from the child seat, and strode over. He walked up to Monica, causing Monica to stop in her tracks and frown.