Monica Gets Jealous

When Monica finished washing up, Finn, too, had finished washing up.

Breakfast was delivered to the room by the staff. The two of them sat at the dining table in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows and ate breakfast.

The sun was shining brightly, and the light spilled onto the dining table, creating a resplendent scene.

"I have a meeting about a collaboration in the morning. Then, I'll have lunch with them and visit their pharmaceutical factory in the afternoon. Logically speaking, I should be back after dinner," Monica said as she told Finn about her schedule for the day.

Finn was a little surprised. He did not expect Monica to take the initiative to tell him that.

"So, you can go about on your own during the day," Monica said coldly, making it impossible for Finn to tell her emotions. 

Finn said, "Can I accompany you?"

"I don't think you should."