Shelly Recordes a Video to Clear Nox's Name

"As for whether you believe me or not, all I'll say is that, by being here and recording the video, I'm leaving behind evidence. If what I said just now was wrong, Zoe can take this video to court and sue me. But if Zoe doesn't dare to sue, it means that everything I said is true." Shelly looked into the camera as if she was trying to control her emotions.

After a while, she said, "I'm very sorry to have caused Nox so much trouble. I hope everyone will believe in Nox's innocence."

Then, the video recording ended. The man could not help but clap his hands. He was really surprised that Shelly managed to finish the recording in one go. Moreover, she was not nervous at all, and there was not a single mistake in her lines.

"Is that alright?" Shelly reacted calmly to the man's praise.

She just wanted to settle everything as soon as possible and cut ties with Nox, so she was very cooperative and serious.

"Wait a moment."