Monica Takes A Jab At Nox

Nox's shamelessness had pushed Shelly to her limit, and his sudden actions even made her suspect that he was up to something! 

She did not think that Nox liked her. On the contrary, she thought that Nox was trying to make her suffer! 

Shelly's hand that was holding the phone was trembling with anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Nox, I'll say it again. No matter what your motive is, I don't like you and will never like you no matter what you do! I don't want your things. Take them back, or I'll throw them away!"

"Throw it." Nox replied nonchalantly, "I have a lot of money anyway, what I gave you is nothing to me!"

"You're sick!" Shelly could not help but curse!

She found Nox crazy.

Nox, however, was not angry when Shelly scolded him. Instead, he smiled. "You finally realized that I'm lovesick!"