Jeanne Makes Her Move

"What do you want to know?" Benjamin asked warily.

"I heard that you're going abroad." Jeanne ate the dessert as she said. She did not put on any airs, not wanting Benjamin to feel pressured.

"Yes, I'm going abroad, but that doesn't mean I'm breaking up with Shelly. We've agreed that I'll go abroad to study, and she'll wait for me in the country." Benjamin said firmly, "A year of separation will not affect our relationship."

Jeanne chuckled. She was not mocking Benjamin but Nox, who was really stupid when it came to relationships. She had no idea what he was thinking when he decided to use such despicable methods.

"It's true. A year isn't long," she said. "People who are truly in love can overcome the distance."

"I believe that my relationship with Shelly will withstand the distance."