The Conflict Between Shelly and Nox Broke Out

"Shelly, please agree to have the baby with Nox as soon as possible," Mrs. Winter said sincerely.

"Aunty, I have to be frank with you. I cannot have a baby with Nox. I'm with him now because he helped me before and I'm repaying him. When he loses interest in me, we will break up," Shelly said frankly, deciding to come clean with Mrs. Winter.

"What?" Mrs. Winter was surprised. "You mean you're just fooling around with Nox?"

"Yes, I am," Shelly confirmed.

"Shelly, you're not that kind of person. When did you become like this?" Mrs. Winter was at a loss for words. 

"You can also tell Nox to break up with me," Shelly said. "I've never thought about spending the rest of my life with him."

"Y-Y-You..." Mrs. Winter was speechless for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Aunty," Shelly apologized because she knew she had hurt Mrs. Winter's feelings. "I'm hanging up now." 

After that, Shelly ended the call.