Parent-Child Sports Day

Meanwhile, Finn helped Monica wash up and then stayed by her side.

Monica was actually a little unhappy as she lay on the bed. Although she was very happy and content to have two babies, when she thought about how she would be living like a cow without an image for a long time, she felt a little hopeless.

"Finn," Monica called out to him.

She just wanted to complain to him about how difficult it was being a woman. However, he did not respond to her calling him. As such, she turned her head to see that Finn had fallen asleep on the bed. His hand was still holding hers tightly, but at that moment, he was already snoring softly.

In her memory, Finn never snored. Did that mean he was very tired? Moreover, Monica felt that Finn had fallen asleep in just two seconds. After thinking it through carefully, she realized that Finn had been busy since she gave birth to the babies.