Class Reunion

Shelly was shocked by Bella's crying. She quickly hugged Bella and said with her heart aching, "Bella, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Bella choked and said, "Mommy, I don't want Daddy to leave us. I want to be with Daddy. I don't want you both to be separated."

Shelly was surprised. She knew that Bella's relationship with Nox had improved a lot, but she did not expect it to have reached the point where they could not bear to part. As she had lived with Bella for so many years, she thought that Bella had long gotten used to spending time with her.

"Bella, don't cry." Shelly comforted her. "Don't you still have me if you don't have Daddy? Aren't I always with you? Aren't you with just the two of us?"

"I am happy, but I prefer to live with both you and Daddy. That way, no one will laugh at me for not having a father."

Shelly pursed her lips. She knew nothing about Bella being mocked for not having a father.