Class Reunion

Therefore, when she pushed the door open and entered, she was shocked to see the two people hugging and kissing each other in front of her. They both had never interacted with each other back when they were in school. Yet now, they could not keep their hands off each other in the washroom.

Shocked, Shelly stared at them for a while and forgot to close the door. The people inside seemed too engrossed in each other and did not notice her. 

"Don't look." A familiar male voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

At the same time, Shelly's eyes were covered by his big hand. Only then did she come back to her senses and turned around. Even her whole face was red by then. She did not want to stare, but she was just too stunned to move. 

As soon as she turned around, she was wrapped in Benjamin's arms. At such a close distance, she immediately recognized Benjamin's familiar scent and pushed him away the next second.