A Forced Relationship Won't Last

After Shelly left Sarah's house, she went straight to Bella's kindergarten. As it was about time she made her way over, she took the bus there.

In fact, it had been a long time since she had taken a bus. Bella's kindergarten was so close to home that they could walk there, and since she rarely went to other places, she would take a taxi sometimes when she had to. However, she thought she would take the bus today since she was a little early. 

She looked at the scenery of South Hampton City outside the window. If Nox did not go back on his word, in less than a month, she would leave Nox and go back to living her original life with Bella. 

Suddenly, she felt somewhat emotional. She could not seem to pinpoint if it was because she was so happy that she was feeling sad. 

After the bus arrived at Bella's kindergarten, Shelly waited for a while before Bella walked out with her small school bag and jumped into Shelly's arms excitedly. "Mommy."