The Failed Proposal

"Little kids won't understand the adults' affairs. The reason why I accepted Nox was because I wanted you to be happy in a complete family, not because I loved Nox. Bella, you're still young, so please listen to me, okay?" Shelly coaxed Bella.

Bella did not want to agree with her mother, but as she looked into her mother's sincere eyes, she could not refuse. Yet, when she thought of her father, she felt extremely sad. Hence, she looked at Shelly with red eyes, looking aggrieved.

Shelly kissed Bella's little face and coaxed her again. "Be good. Listen to me."

Bella bit her little lip and did not refute. She had always known that it was hard for her mother to take care of her, so she could not make her mother unhappy.

Shelly patted Bella's little head and continued to pack her things up. Just as she was about to call a moving company, her phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Benjamin.

Shelly hesitated for a moment before picking up. "Ben."