004 The weather is going to change again

The past flashed before their eyes like a movie reel, causing White Palmer, Norton Jarvis, and Josh Levs to sigh with melancholy.

For five years, Gem Atkinson harbored resentment towards Forsythia Brown, deep into his bones. He never laid eyes on her during her time in prison.

Just two months ago, she suddenly appeared in River State, and they learned that she had been released from prison early.

In a twisted turn of fate, Forsythia encountered Coral Ruby on her very first day in River State.

Due to her sister's situation, Coral Ruby harbored extreme hatred towards Forsythia. Knowing that finding work upon her return to River State would be Forsythia's first priority, Coral leveraged her position as Human Resources Director of the Atkinson Group Empire to pressure all major and minor groups in River State, explicitly and implicitly warning them not to hire her.

As a high-ranking member of the Atkinson Group, Coral Ruby's influence could not be ignored by any local consortium. In their eagerness to please her, all the conglomerates dutifully shredded Forsythia's resumes.

Perhaps due to Coral's aggressive suppression, Forsythia disappeared a month after she arrived in River State, and her resume was no longer seen.

They had thought that, cornered and desperate, Forsythia might have been forced to leave River State at Coral's behest.

Who would have guessed that not only did she stay in River State, she had also been performing at the Enchanting nightclub for a whole month? And she was none other than that golden Phoenix Ivy, the one who stirred up the city and made the club famous.

If it weren't for this investigation at the Enchanting nightclub, how could they have possibly recognized her because of their familiarity with Forsythia?

"I thought she would have fled in panic due to Coral's suppression, but she still stubbornly stayed in River State."

"What place could be harder to survive in than prison, where she lived for five years?"

White Palmer, Norton Jarvis, and Josh Levs all sighed with awe.

However, if she insisted on staying in River State, she would inevitably encounter Gem Atkinson, and at that time, the skies of River State might change once more.

Five years ago, after experiencing a series of setbacks, Gem Atkinson began to work day and night. After taking the Atkinson Group Empire to new heights, he established a headhunting firm and aggressively acquired large and small business groups alike. For a time, River State's business community was in turmoil, with everyone fearing for their survival.

Since the Palmer Clan, the Jarvis Group, and the Levs Clan had always been friendly with the Atkinsons, not only were they not attacked, but they actually benefited from Gem's acquisition and suppression of other business groups, with their fortunes looking better each day.

It could be said that the River State business community underwent a baptism of blood during those five years.

Others did not understand the truth behind Gem Atkinson's frenzied devotion. They attributed it to the inherent nature and methods of a businessman. However, White Palmer, Norton Jarvis, and Josh Levs—having grown up with him—knew that this baptism of blood came about solely because of her. He directed all his hatred towards innocent people.

Now that she is back, and he's still unaware, what will happen to River State's skies when he finds out?

Or perhaps, he will no longer target innocent people, and will focus only on her?

Thinking of Gem Atkinson's ruthless and morbid strategies, White Palmer couldn't help but shudder. Worry clouded his brow.

"Will Viola be tortured to death by Gem? Although she is truly infuriating, she has already paid for her crimes in those five years of imprisonment."

The 'Viola' that White Palmer mentioned was none other than Forsythia Brown, the nickname those within their circle had for her.

White Palmer once had a crush on her, but extinguished it after she married Gem Atkinson. Looking at his worried expression now, it seemed that his old feelings were threatening to resurface.

Josh Levs and Norton Jarvis exchanged glances, conveying the same information.

If his old feelings did reignite...

Josh Levs spoke coldly, "White, it's never easy for a judge to mediate a family dispute. Don't stir up trouble at this time."

Though Forsythia had divorced Gem Atkinson, she had grown up in Atkinson Manor and was once the young lady of the house. Their connections ran deep.

Josh was right. In any case, this was ultimately their family business. Remembering this, White Palmer reined in his mounting frustration and retorted, "Stir up trouble? What kind of trouble? My concern for her is now limited to...sibling affection."

Sibling? Really?

They were well aware that White Palmer had secretly visited the prison before. He never mentioned to them what had happened during that visit.

Two months ago, when Forsythia arrived in River State and was suppressed by Coral Ruby, White had wanted to stand up for her and have her work for the Palmer Clan. However, Forsythia never sent her resume to the Palmers.

She didn't send her resume to any of the business groups within their circle.

It seemed that she not only wanted to cut ties with Gem Atkinson, but also with them.

Since they couldn't locate her or her resume, White tried to find Forsythia himself, but to no avail. Had they not run into her at the Enchanting nightclub tonight...

With this knowledge, Norton Jarvis and Josh Levs exchanged glances once more.

"Hey, why is it so quiet all of a sudden?" White Palmer snapped back to reality.

His words also brought Norton Jarvis and Josh Levs back to their senses. They hurriedly turned their gaze towards the stage, but it was already empty and devoid of Phoenix's presence.

She had left!

"Phoenix is never punctual. She only gives a five-minute warning before arriving at Enchanting, performing a single song and dance, then leaving without lingering."

This was what the nightclub manager had told them when introducing Phoenix.

Frustrated to have missed her, White Palmer let out a groan.

Norton Jarvis reassured, "There is no need to rush. Gem has not yet set a return date, so we have time to gather more information about her situation."

Since she had chosen to perform at Enchanting, they would always have a chance to catch up with her elusive figure.

"She remains as clever as ever, clever enough to evade Coral's suppression. Now, who else knows that Enchanting's golden Phoenix is actually the same Forsythia from years ago?"

"Since childhood, she never failed at anything she set her mind to—marrying Gem, staying in River State... If she's determined to stay, she will. Let's just wait and see why she's so intent on staying in River State."

It certainly wasn't for their sake, or else why wouldn't she even send a single resume? She clearly wanted to break it off with them. Of course, it couldn't be for... White Palmer muttered, "Anyway, it's not for Gem."

Seeing the puzzled looks on Norton Jarvis and Josh Levs' faces, White Palmer explained, "She aborted Gem's child to sever all connections with him, didn't she? So, her decision to stay in River State must not be for Gem's sake."

This explanation seemed plausible.

Norton Jarvis sighed, "The loss of the child dealt a heavy blow to Gem. No wonder it was the first time he ever laid a heavy hand on her. Only she would know where it hurts most and poke right at that spot."

White Palmer disagreed, "Although Viola hurt Gem deeply, she was always a stubborn woman since childhood. Added to the fact that Gem had started to get closer to Norma Ruby back then, Viola's rage and loss of sanity can be somewhat understood. Besides, if you really want to get to the root of it, Gem is also somewhat to blame. If it wasn't for his relentless pampering and indulgence, how could she have developed such an arrogant and belligerent nature?"

The three masterminds reminisced on their shared past, while the subject of their conversation had already hurried back to her safe haven, riding her Harley Motorcycle at lightning speed.