008 Daddy

After having a lively chat in the Gentleman Internment Camp, Forsythia had a general understanding of the current state of the international underworld. Essentially, First Terrorist Organization and the Mafia were at war with each other, while the International First Sinister Gang held a wait-and-see attitude, and the Mexican drug lord was planning to reap the benefits.

The group starter of the Gentleman Internment Camp couldn't help but lament once again in the group chat.

Every time there was a major conflict in the international underworld, while the outside world was enveloped in a haze of smoke and gunpowder, the group chat resembled a battle of wits without a trace of bloodshed. Among this group, seven of the top ten international fugitives, four of the top ten international killers, and members of the CIA, Interpol, and special agents were present...

The group starter often said that managing this group made his hair turn grey with worry.

Everyone "comforted" the group master for a while, and then Forsythia went offline, citing that she needed "re-education."

Checking the time, it was exactly noon.

After having a simple Chinese meal, she went to the hospital to visit Mr. Atkinson as usual.

In her eyes, Mr. Atkinson was like a father to her, and he treated her no less doting than he did Gem Atkinson.

Back when her parents were still alive, she affectionately called Mr. Atkinson "Father Atkinson."

After her parents' accidental death, when Gem brought her back to Atkinson Manor, Mr. Atkinson, who had just returned from an overseas business trip, came forward and hugged her, saying, "My darling girl, don't be afraid, Daddy is here."

From then on, she called Mr. Atkinson "Daddy."

Speaking of the time when Gem and Norma Ruby were about to get married, she kidnapped Norma in a do-or-die move, with quite a bit of encouragement from Mr. Atkinson as well.

"Baby girl, just think, if Gem actually marries Norma, he won't just spoil you anymore. From then on, he will no longer only care for you, prepare soup for you, remember your period, or comfort you when you have nightmares. Instead, he will also have to share some of his love with Norma."

"Actually, daddy thinks that Gem truly loves you. He just can't tell if his love for you is romantic or brotherly. As an outsider, I can see clearly that his love for you is romantic."

"Why don't you believe me? If he truly loves Norma, why would he choose to get married on your 18th birthday instead of picking her or his own birthday? Have you ever thought about the meaning behind this?"

"And in addition, have you ever seen Gem kiss Norma or hold her in his arms? They're only polite to each other, right? That's not how couples in love should behave."

"As for men, they initially feel that power is the most important thing in life, and any suitable wife is good for them. However, when they achieve the pinnacle of their power, they understand that the wealth they have built is actually meant to be squandered by the woman they love. Daddy thinks that Gem has been working so hard to create his own empire just to let you squander it. As for Norma... haha... "

"My darling, according to our Sinclair Tribe's rules, as the next head of the Atkinson family, Gem's first wife will be recorded in the Atkinson Clan Genealogy. According to the rules, even if the couple divorces later, the original wife's name cannot be changed. Think about it, if Gem marries Norma and then realizes one day that the person he loves the most is you, even if he divorces Norma and you become his second wife, your name still cannot be on the genealogy... Can you imagine the kind of blow this would be to the usually proud Gem? He would feel that he made an unforgivable mistake in his youth."

"But you are different, my dear. Daddy wants you and Gem to give it a try. If you become Gem's first wife... let's consider the worst-case scenario. Even if one day you and Gem really have a falling out and divorce, your name will still remain in the Atkinson clan genealogy record. Considering how much Gem adores you, he would think it's only natural that you're part of the family. He won't care if his second wife's name is entered into the genealogy or not and won't feel any blow."

"Weighing the pros and cons, which side is more advantageous, right?"

"What's more, I am Gem's father, and I know my son. Gem only wants to marry Norma as a way to repay a debt of gratitude."

"But how can debt repayment be equated with love between husband and wife?"

"Debt repayment can be settled with money, but love cannot. Love is happiness."

"So, my darling, for the sake of Gem's pride and happiness, Daddy suggests you force him to marry you."

"If you fail, at least you tried. Let me see if you have the courage."

At that time, she didn't know what nerve was touched, but she kidnapped Norma and forced the marriage.

The fact that she and Gem Atkinson could consummate their marriage was largely due to Mr. Atkinson...

In her thoughts, Forsythia had arrived at the hospital.

The VIP ward was like a small one-bedroom apartment with a private bathroom. Apart from Mr. Atkinson's bed, there was a large sofa big enough for a person to lie on.

At this time, the nursing staff and servants had all gone to eat. So, since returning to River State, Forsythia had been sneaking in almost every day to visit Mr. Atkinson.

Looking at Mr. Atkinson's still peaceful face, Forsythia's eyes turned red. After softly calling him 'Daddy,' she lowered her head and kissed his forehead.

"Daddy, your baby is here to see you. Are you feeling better today?"

As she spoke, she knelt on one knee in front of Mr. Atkinson, reaching out to touch his still handsome face.

Gem inherited eighty percent of Mr. Atkinson's looks. One could only imagine how dashing and handsome Mr. Atkinson was in his youth.

But now, he could only lie here quietly.

"Daddy, can you please wake up soon? Your baby misses you and wants to talk to you." Muttering to herself, she nestled her head in Mr. Atkinson's broad hand.

"Baby, don't be afraid, try to drive to where there are fewer people."

"Baby, don't panic, you're close to the new airport road, turn left right away, Daddy will be there soon."

Even now, she vividly remembers the horrible accident that day.

That day, after another quarrel with Gem, she had driven out to clear her mind. Her agitation made her drive faster and faster until she realized the brakes had failed...

Her mind went blank for a moment. Just then, Mr. Atkinson called. She answered the phone, and after a choked up 'Daddy', she said, 'My brakes are broken, and the car won't stop.'

At that moment, Mr. Atkinson immediately comforted her, asked her to calm down, found out her direction, and guided her where to drive to avoid the least amount of traffic and pedestrians while keeping in touch with her the entire time.

At that time, she could only focus on avoiding all oncoming vehicles and pedestrians in the high-speed state of the car, and couldn't think about anything else, so she had to follow Mr. Atkinson's arrangement.

She knew that Mr. Atkinson wanted her to head to the new airport road because he was afraid her car might hit another vehicle or person. The new airport road was not yet open, so for her with the broken brakes, it was the best place to race without causing a traffic accident. So, she followed his arrangements and drove to the new airport road.

And then, it all happened.

After she had been on the airport road for a while, there was a fork in the road. A wildcat suddenly ran across the right lane, and she panicked, driving the wrong way down the left lane...

It was at that moment that Mr. Atkinson's car appeared, speeding up and overtaking her without hesitation, then bravely blocking in front of her car, allowing her car to crash into his.

When she woke up again, she was in the hospital, Mrs. Atkinson had injured her leg, and Mr. Atkinson was in critical condition.

Later, she found out that Mr. Atkinson had daringly made her car crash into his because, five hundred meters further along the one-way road, there was a Lake Crossing Bridge that hadn't been connected yet. If her car didn't crash into something and stop, she would have fallen off the bridge...

One could say that, at the time, Mr. Atkinson had risked his life to save hers.

Over the past five years, she had awakened from nightmares at the very moment of the crash, seemingly still able to see Mr. Atkinson's lips forming the words 'Baby, don't be afraid' as his car blocked hers.

Memories brought pain to Forsythia's heart again. She rubbed her tear-streaked face against Mr. Atkinson's broad hand, choking up as she said, "Daddy, you have a granddaughter now. Her name is Audrey. Please wake up and play with her, hold her, spoil her, okay?"