092 Ambassador of Charity (First Update)_2

"Viola, you, you..." Mrs. Palmer reproachfully poked at Forsythia Brown's forehead as she spoke, her eyes misting over.

"Mrs. Palmer."

"Tell me, how could you be so reckless?"

Forsythia Brown lowered her head, knowing full well what Mrs. Palmer was referring to.

"How could you miscarry that child?"

Mrs. Palmer's heart wasn't in the best condition. Five years prior, she went to the United States for a medical procedure and completely missed Forsythia's series of misfortunes. By the time she returned, she learned that Forsythia had lost her child and had been jailed over a series of mishaps involving kidnappings and car accidents.

In her anxiety, she asked her youngest son, White Palmer, to secretively bring her to the Jiangnan Women's Prison to see Forsythia. But as it turns out, she had been transferred to the National Women's First Prison.