103 Repairing the Pen after Losing Sheep (Updating once)_3

"Yigol Foster, if Gem Atkinson comes, tell him that it was me who encouraged Black Peter to deceive you and play this kidnapping scene. The purpose is to lure him back to River State."

A play?

Yigol Foster, Black Peter, and the other two bodyguards were all surprised, staring blankly at Forsythia Brown.

"Who asked him not to come back from the Imperial Capital and not to answer my calls? I had no choice but to resort to such a ploy to force him back."

Was she taking all the responsibility upon herself?!

But it has to be said that her explanation was the only feasible countermeasure for now. It could not only resolve their immediate dilemma but also leave a way out for the Pay Group.

Black Peter was not really stupid, he was just prone to rashness when cornered. Now, he looked gratefully at Forsythia Brown.