109 Protect you for a lifetime_2

One can imagine that Yunshan cared for Lianqiao at that time.

However, when she found out that she was the only one attacked and Lianqiao was safe and sound, she began to suspect that the kidnapping was orchestrated by Lianqiao.

Lianqiao firmly denied it.

But Yunshan said, "However, only the two of us knew about the rendezvous spot. How did they get there? Lianqiao, are you still trying to deny it? Are you saying I was the one who called the kidnappers to destroy me?"

"Lianqiao, you've always relied on Gem to clean up your messes. What can't you do? Don't forget, you once kidnapped me. If there's a first time, there's a second time."

"Why were we both drugged with ether but you managed to escape unscathed while I could only be at their mercy? Turns out, your ether poisoning wasn't that serious. Why wasn't it serious? Because you didn't intend to be heavily drugged. It was just a ploy to escape blame, right?"