117 There's meat to eat when you follow Mrs. Brown_3

"I'm just trying to live up to Mr. Atkinson's expectations and work hard when I get back."

After Forsythia left, Norton Jarvis came in and asked, "What's going on? I heard from Fred Andrews that you arranged for Viola to stay downstairs? Why not upstairs? It would be better if she was in the same office as you."

From his understanding of Gem Atkinson, he should have kept Forsythia close to him for this project.

Gem Atkinson leaned back in his executive chair with a relaxed demeanor, saying, "It's good enough that I've managed to lure her here. If I keep her too close, she might end up slipping away faster."

"Haha, it's like sand in your hand; loosening up your grip might surprisingly yield better results."

Seeing Norton Jarvis comfortably lying on the couch while speaking, Gem Atkinson asked, "What do you need?"