122 Who said he got divorced

Night, resplendent colors fill the air.

Fragrance of dresses and graceful shadows, splendid purples and brilliant reds.

The clinks of wine glasses fall upon the ear, one after another.

Norton Jarvis held a wine glass and came up to Gem Atkinson and Forsythia Brown. He stared intently at Forsythia, the admiration in his eyes for all to see, and exclaimed, "This is the most beautiful woman I've seen in the past five years."

Forsythia was used to Norton's generous compliments, so she laughed mischievously and said, "Thank you."

With this laugh, she seemed like a bewitching creature of the night. Norton, unfazed by the sudden drop in temperature around him, kept his gaze fixed on Forsythia and said, "Viola, whenever you have time, let me treat you to a meal."

"Alright, I'll wait for your call."