127 Jealousy_2

He had encountered many beautiful women, countless ones who had willingly thrown themselves at him...

But she, just like a brand from his previous life, engrained herself in his heart, dominating his thoughts. Even during the five years he hated her most, he couldn't bring himself to erase her from his heart.

Because without her, there would be no heart left.

As he calmly looked at her, her hand moved slightly.

"Awake?" Gem Atkinson asked softly.

Forsythia Brown, drowsily opening her eyes, instinctively tried to struggle free from his grasp.

But Gem still held her hand firmly, saying, "Don't move, or you'll hurt your wound."

Hearing the familiar voice, she slowly turned her head to look at him, only now remembering everything that happened before. She asked hoarsely, "Where's Norma Ruby? How is she...?"

"She's fine." Seeing her trying to get up, Gem helped her sit up against the headboard, stuffing a pillow behind her for support.

"I...I want to see her."