132 Processing Results

Forsythia returned to the hospital, looking sullen.

Out of fear for her authority, the bodyguards allowed Yigol Foster into the VVIP ward.

Yigol Foster sat upright and asked her, "Tell me, what are you thinking?"

"What can I think? I'm used to it. I'm the thorn in her eye."

Understanding who Forsythia referred to as 'her,' Yigol Foster sneered, "Since she sees you as such an eyesore, have you ever thought that five years ago, she could have been the woman who made the phone call to the kidnappers?"

Forsythia shuddered, "Why would you say that?"

"Because she knows about your meeting place with Norma Ruby. Moreover, she's one of the few women in River State who could offer one hundred million dollars to hire a killer."

Forsythia sighed deeply, lying in the center of the bed, "I would suspect anyone but her."