138 No Ifs_2

Is this what being in love feels like?

Even if my girlfriend is being unreasonable, I can treat it as her being cute!

Gem felt sweet inside and led her out of the private room like this.

The waiter looked speechlessly at the untouched seafood on the table: What's going on? This is such a waste.

When the two arrived at the hotpot restaurant on Delicious Street behind Riverdale University, as expected, there was a long line outside.

Gem was no stranger to this hotpot restaurant. After learning about her obsession with Tyler Mamet back in the army, he left everything behind and returned to River State, only to find her at this restaurant, naturally with Tyler who was sharing hotpot with her. And then she dragged Tyler over to him and said, 'Gem, this is Tyler, my boyfriend.'

At that time, he wished he could split Tyler into pieces.