141 The Beautiful Colors also Mislead Her (A Midnight Update)_3

One could say that the plethora of gifts every day made Yigol Foster's eyes ache.

Fortunately, there were no gifts today. However, he didn't expect them to be delivered personally.

"Mr. Atkinson, could you wait to give the gift a little later? James just called and said he booked a table at Golden Jade Hall to welcome my sister and me. If you don't mind, would you like to join us?"

Yigol Foster said the latter 'join us' as a mere courtesy, thinking that Gem Atkinson would definitely refuse. But to his surprise, Gem actually nodded.

Ha, Gem Atkinson, so your face can be that thick. So, Yigol Foster boldly sat in the Lykan car without hesitation.

The eyes of the two men met in the car. You think I'm nosy, and I think you're blind. The undercurrents surged in the spacious car.

If they had a pair of white gloves now, they would certainly throw them on the ground simultaneously and duel like gentlemen.

Hiram Greenwood, the driver, could feel the low pressure in the car.