144 Fate (Second Update)

Forsythia Brown turned around in surprise, only to see a very familiar face.

"Norma Ruby?" It had to be said, what a coincidence.

"Forsythia." Norma Ruby also looked somewhat surprised.

Forsythia glanced behind Norma, but did not see Maggie Spencer.

As if knowing what Forsythia was looking at, Norma said, "Maggie had to leave early. I came to the toy store to see if there was anything Elijah would like."

If it wasn't for the conversation she overheard, when Gem Atkinson told Norma to 'spend more time bonding with Elijah,' she would have thought that Norma was portraying the image of a tender and loving mother.

However, the arrival of Elijah was always a thorn in Norma's side, not wanting her to treat Elijah too well, but just hoping that she would not abuse him. After all, Elijah was innocent, and the one who chose to give birth to him was Norma.

"Does Elijah like warships?"

Norma answered with a soft smile, "Yes, boys usually like this kind of stuff."