146 Achievements of Da Yu (Second Edition)

It was evening when Forsythia arrived at Imperial Capital Airport.

Instead of rushing to the hotel where Gem Atkinson was staying, she first went to the hospital to seek the advice of the well-reputed architect Sir Franklin, who specialized in flood control.

Learning that she was in charge of Atkinson Group Empire's River State flood control project, Sir Franklin's assistant didn't give her a hard time and only briefly informed the elderly architect before allowing Forsythia into his hospital room.

Sir Franklin was 72 years old and had devoted his life to water management, earning the respect of many. After listening to Forsythia's explanation and reviewing the slides and visions of the flood protection landmarks she brought, he was quite impressed and nodded in agreement. He also shared some of his insights.

Although Forsythia and Sir Franklin spoke for just two hours, she felt that she had gained a lot.