156 Lost Pearl in the Ocean_2

Kids will be kids, not able to distinguish between jokes and serious talk among adults. Norton Jarvis laughed heartily again and said, "Just because I like your hero doesn't mean I can't like you too."

"So, you're bisexual," Audrey concluded.

Harlan Palmer and Josh Levs burst out laughing again. As for Gem Atkinson, he loved and hated Audrey, raising his hand in a pretend threat, signaling 'watch out for your butt'.

Audrey stuck out her tongue and looked at the frustrated Norton Jarvis, saying, "I don't disdain you, but I love my hero more than anything."

Hmm, so she's in love with him after all.

The four grown men looked at each other, caught between laughter and tears.

With a smug look on her face, Audrey turned to Gem Atkinson and said, "Look at your good brother, what kind of person is he? Dislike."

"Why should I be disliked just because of the kind of person I am?" Norton Jarvis felt wronged.