164 Bloodthirsty_3

"Alright, three months it is, but you can't go back on your word, sweetheart."

Audrey pouts her little mouth, "I won't."

After dinner, Audrey refuses to take the car home and insists on riding on Gem Atkinson's neck to admire the night scenery while walking back home.

On such occasions, Gem is always happy to oblige.

In the glittering night, on a brightly lit avenue, a tall, slender man in a long coat carries a little creature wearing a cape on his neck, making the man seem even taller.

The man is graceful with well-defined features, and the little creature is beautiful and adorable. She chatters away from time to time, eliciting laughter from the man.

People passing by can't help but take a second look at this father and daughter duo and exclaim 'what a handsome pair!'

No one knows what the little girl says to make the man laugh again, but he loosens his hold on her dangling legs, and instead, takes her hands and starts running.