To what extent is the pampering? _3

Finally, Gem Atkinson understood what his little girlfriend meant when she said, "Anyway, it's probably hard for her to call you 'Dad'." His journey was indeed long and arduous.

This was his little treasure, just as persistent as him.

With a 'slap', Gem patted her bottom. It was all bark but no bite. Then he lifted the little girl onto his shoulders and opened his arms.

The little girl understood, immediately reaching out her hands to Gem. He carried her forward as she laughed, her laughter echoing throughout the amusement park.

Clive Hawkins laughed and looked at Elijah before placing a hand on his shoulders.

Elijah liked Clive and Audrey from the moment he met them. Seeing Clive laughing so genuinely, he shyly reached out and held onto Clive's waist. Elijah smiled when Clive didn't object.

Together, the two of them followed the father and daughter playing in front of them like brothers.