171 Our whole family will be safe and sound

Walking for about twenty minutes in the direction Alicia had pointed out, Gem Atkinson estimated that his stride would take him about half an hour on the mountain road. He carefully searched every inch for any large blue rocks in the area.

After climbing another hill, indeed, he saw a large blue rock blocking the path ahead.

Gem Atkinson quickened his pace.

The closer he got to the blue rock, the faster his heart beat. This was because the rock had blocked a lot of sediment and rocks on this side.

If Forsythia Brown was indeed trapped under this blue rock, and if it wasn't for this rock, then...

Gem hurriedly went behind the blue rock and saw the person he had been longing for day and night.

Forsythia Brown's leg was trapped under the blue rock, unable to move. The little girl beside her was Lydia, who had taken off her own clothes to cover Forsythia's face so that she wouldn't choke on the dust stirred up by the occasional falling pebbles.