171 Our whole family will be okay_3

Just as everyone was preparing to lift the large stone slab with all their might, Gem Atkinson suddenly said, "Wait."

Immediately afterwards, everyone sharply sensed the earth shaking slightly.

"Quick, take cover!" Gem signaled for everyone to crouch behind the stone slab.

Another aftershock struck, lasting for three minutes.

Gem and the others could clearly see massive rocks and trees tumbling down the mountain due to the earthquake. Some hit the stone slab, making a 'boom, boom' sound.

Fortunately, Gem had just propped the slab up with four thick tree trunks, shielding them from this round of aftershocks.

When the ground stopped shaking, everyone shook their heads and snouts, shaking off the dirt and debris stuck in their hair.

"It's bad." Hiram Greenwood shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing and saw that the large stone slab, which had clearly been lifted earlier, seemed to have sunk down quite a bit.