183 Women's World You Don't Understand (Third Update)_2

In the room, White Palmer was holding Audrey and coaxing her softly, "Audrey, look, you're not being fair. You call everyone else 'uncle', so why do you call me 'handsome brother'? Come on, be good and change your title for me. Call me 'handsome uncle'."

So, White Palmer finally figured it out and started to demand the respect of the elders.

"But it was you who asked me to call you 'handsome brother'." Audrey pretended to be clueless.

"That's because handsome brother... I mean, handsome uncle didn't figure it out then. Now that I have, come on, say it quickly."


Audrey turned her head proudly and blinked at Elijah. Her playful look made Elijah laugh again.

Audrey said, "I might call you 'handsome uncle'."


"But on one condition."

White Palmer looked expectant and said, "Tell me what the condition is."