233 Groundless Suspicion (Second update)

Gem Atkinson was having a video call outside the private room with Fred Andrews.

It was about some company matters. Being year-end, decisions needed to be made by Gem Atkinson.

In the past, at this time of the year, Gem Atkinson would not have any days off, even working late into the night, with lights always bright in the CEO's office. But this year was different. He had taken out a lot of time to accompany the eldest and youngest daughter, and this weekend he had to accompany Mr. Elijah. Thus, Fred Andrews was extremely busy.

Fred Andrews understood this, but couldn't accept it. He said, "CEO, if you continue neglecting the company, I have decided to resign."

"Raise your salary," responded Gem Atkinson simply.

In the phone screen, Fred Andrew's hair was messy, clothes were wrinkled, and he looked haggard, with obvious dark circles under his eyes. He was no longer the refined and gentle River State's Top Assistant he used to be. He said resentfully, "I want my life, not money."