239 Father and Daughter Colluding in Embarrassment (One Update)_2


"Besides, I'm certain it wasn't my father who broke your leg."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I asked my father, and he told me. He said your leg was broken out of clumsiness."

Frank Atkinson raised his hand angrily, but ultimately did not strike Audrey. Instead, he pushed her away and said, "Get out, father and daughter conspiring together. One broke my leg, the other's trying to infuriate me. Humph."

Audrey, unprepared, was pushed to the ground, falling and then sitting on the ground, staring at Frank.

Looking at the girl's twinkling eyes, Frank hesitated. Bending down, he reached out to pull Audrey up, asking, "Did it hurt when you fell?"

"You're such an idiot! You pushed me before I even finished speaking. I won't say another word." Audrey patted the snow off her bottom, turned around, and left not caring about Frank.

Frank activated the wheelchair button and followed Audrey, saying, "How exactly am I being an idiot? Tell me."