247 Thanks to Bo Fei_2

Originally, Gem Atkinson had not taken Coral Ruby's actions seriously, thinking she was just unwell. It was only during their time at the hot spring resort that he realized his beloved Viola was bothered by that madwoman. That was when he realized that the madwoman could potentially affect their relationship. So, he decided to look into the matter more closely.

First, he went to find Flynn Taylor to see if he had any useful clues. After all, Flynn inviting him and Harlan Palmer to drink at Room 1908 that day could be more than just a coincidence; there might have been a reason behind it.

Flynn didn't hide anything and told Gem that he had seen Coral bribing the waitress, Vera, unintentionally on that day.

No wonder Coral was so confident; it turned out...

Forsythia Brown was dumbfounded, asking, "Coral? Vera?"

"Hmm, I have a video as evidence, which Flynn got."

"Coral, she's really crazy."

"Flynn found it interesting, so he invited me and Chad to Room 1908 in advance."