268 Gem Atkinson's Nightmare

For the next two days, Gem Atkinson continued to drop off Forsythia Brown at Landon Grey's for psychological consultations before heading to Josh Levs for virus treatment.

Because Gem could still walk, move, run, and jump during this time, and even his speech wasn't much different, Forsythia didn't notice anything unusual. Moreover, each time she came out of the consulting room, Gem would be waiting outside for her.

The only thing Forsythia found difficult to understand was that the man had fallen in love with watching movies. Apparently, he was no longer satisfied with the films in the cinema, so he downloaded a few films to watch at home instead.

For example, today, he actually downloaded "Alien" to watch.

She thought he would continue watching some fresh and artistic films as he had in the past two days, but who would have thought that he would switch to horror films?

Hadn't she seen this film like a hundred years ago already?