272 True Body (Second Update)

Today, the chat group is not lively, with only a few people online.

Everyone: Phoenix is here.

Everyone: Sends welcoming emoticons unanimously.

Everyone: Sends red lip emoticons unanimously.

East River: Phoenix, you haven't been here in a while. Is it because Dragon isn't around that you don't come? Looks like you two really have a special bond.

Phoenix Ivy: Sends a sweating emoticon.

Phoenix Ivy: Still no news about Dragon?

Everyone: Unanimously sends nodding emoticons.

East River: The inspector was here just now, but as soon as we mentioned Dragon, he disappeared. He's obviously feeling guilty.

Inspector: Who said I left? I'm here watching you bad guys closely.

Phoenix Ivy: Don't generalize, I'm not a bad guy. Maybe I'm your superior.

Inspector: My superior is the Minister of National Security, and his hacking skills are even inferior to mine. If it were really you, Phoenix, I would've tracked you down long ago.