280 The woman he loves, truly deserving (Second update)

Information Security Center.

Information security officer Black's face was pale, with large beads of sweat rolling down. Her clothes were wet, and her hands were still flying non-stop on the keyboard.

Her computer skills were not bad, and rookies who generally came to challenge the Atkinson Group Empire would lose to her. At worst, she could kill them at the second firewall.

But today, the person who came to challenge was not ordinary, and their speed was extremely fast. In less than a minute, they successfully broke through the first two levels and smoothly invaded the third firewall, and it seemed that the third firewall was about to be conquered.

Hearing familiar footsteps, she hurriedly got up without looking back and gave up her seat.

After Isaac Campbell sat down, he closely stared at the computer, with the numbers and symbols changing, his hands never stopping.