288 Premature Birth (Second Revision) _2

One said: So, am I, Mr. Gem, this child's mother's prey?

One said: Daydreaming, with that rotten reputation.

One said: After verification, this is sure to be a character-distorted scumbag.

Coral Ruby stared at the comments, pounding the table in anger, making the table vibrate loudly. In her irritation, she left another comment: A group of idiots who don't believe in the truth.

The moment this comment was posted, the forum exploded, and even more comments followed.

One said: Calm down, Snake Sis, only those who are guilty get defensive.

One said: It may not be Snake Sis, but Snake Bro, vainly fantasizing about being Mr. Gem's sick man.

One said: ...

Faced with more and more unbearable comments, Coral Ruby closed the forum in fury and sat panting in her chair.

Feeling the strong movements in her belly, she touched her stomach and said, "Baby, did mommy scare you by getting angry? It's mommy's fault. I'm sorry."