298 Sincere Advice (Third Watch)_3

Eleanor Spencer Atkinson gave a nod and asked, "Which family?"

"The Miller family."

Eleanor understood and said, "That makes sense. I've heard about the Miller family. Their son and daughter-in-law are not very promising, but thankfully they have a daughter. The Miller family is now considering whether to choose a son-in-law who would marry into their family to carry on their lineage."

The girl's eyes darkened as she said, "Even if they marry in, it would save my cousin from taking those painful medications every day. If someone else cares for their heir, my cousin will no longer suffer mentally and can stop taking medications. Maybe then she will become pregnant."

Tiffany Mamet, who had been quiet, spoke up: "You're being too naive. In my opinion, your cousin is destined not to get pregnant, regardless of her mental state."

"Why do you say that?"