310 Dominating the Screen First Person (Third Watch)_3

Elegant Garden Villa.

Norma Ruby's lips trembled as she stared at the news on the television. Almost all the news during this period was about her sister, Coral Ruby. At first, there was not much to hear due to the secretive nature of the events– only that Coral had a basement in her Harrison Community residence, with a hidden room full of Gem Atkinson's photos.

Then, Coral revealed her guilt in front of all the media and admitted that the child was Gem's, causing a thousand ripples to emerge consecutively with more and more news being leaked.

Originally, there were words on the photographs.

Originally, Coral's mother had died by Coral's hands.

Originally, the kidnapping six years ago might have been done by Coral?

Forsythia Brown claimed: Admitting my guilt doesn't prove that I did it.