316 Menopause (Third Midnight)_2

Seeing the man's chopsticks pause, Forsythia laughed and said, "When you were little, you always had a cold face."

"I've never been cold to you."

Ignoring his words, the woman continued, "White Palmer always had a big smile and was full of sunshine."

"So you're saying I'm gloomy?"

"Hey, can we have a proper conversation?"

"You mean you don't want to talk to me?"

Is this how childish men can be?

She just said a word about White Palmer, how did the conversation become like this?

After her mouth twitched a few times, Forsythia decided not to talk to the man anymore. Picking up her chopsticks to eat was the right thing to do.

"Look at that, you don't even want to talk to me now, you really look down on me, thinking there's nothing to talk about with me."

Forsythia rolled her eyes and continued eating.

The man snorted coldly and silently ate his food.