345 Named it 1314 (Second Update)_2

"Count me in too. I'll donate all the glass windows for the library, also in honor of my wife."

"Me too, me too. I will donate all the bathroom facilities for the library…"

At this point, one after another, many people joined in on the library donation. The principal's smile was so wide it couldn't close.

When it was finally time to disperse, quite a few classmates who were originally close to Gem Atkinson came over to talk to him about cooperating on the library project.

Gem Atkinson said, "I'm doing this for my wife. What's it got to do with you? Piss off as far as you can."

"Hey, Gem, that's seriously favoring beauty over friends."

"Exactly, exactly…"

In the midst of their playful banter, a phone rang among the alumni. After answering with a 'hello', the person said, "What? From our school? Today? Are you sure? Okay, okay, I'll check it out. Be good, go to sleep, I'll be back tomorrow."