Find Someone To Steal Gong Hao's Thunder

Hearing Fu Xi's words, Gong Ming immediately widened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Liu Yun kneeling on the ground, crying and laughing.

"Mom!" He was so weak that he could only call out softly, his face filled with disbelief.

But the person in the video was indeed his mother!

Fu Xi stood at the side and watched his expression change in satisfaction. She didn't forget to add fuel to the fire and pretended to sigh.

"Last night, I don't know what came over Auntie, but she suddenly went crazy. She even said something about killing someone. Now, she's been captured and locked up by Father. Tsk tsk."

"You, it must be you! You…"

Gong Ming was agitated, his eyes completely red. His fingers trembled as he pointed at Fu Xi and Gong Hao. His breathing was rapid, and his chest rose and fell rapidly. Before he could catch his breath, his eyes rolled back and he fell straight down.

The medical surveillance equipment activated an alarm.