He's Better Than She Imagined

Fu Xi's entire body was knocked back continuously by Gong Hao. She raised her head slightly, her face flushed red, and she kept begging for mercy with a seductive voice.

"Too fast… ah…"

Gong Hao became even more excited when he heard her voice, especially when Fu Xi's breasts were also rippling alluringly with her body.

Her long black hair scattered across her chest, and her tender nipples were faintly discernible under the cover of her hair. Gong Hao couldn't help but lower his head and suck on one.


Fu Xi let out a scream. The other ball of softness was grabbed by Gong Hao's large palm and groped.

An unbearable numbness instantly spread throughout her cells.

Gong Hao's movements became faster and faster. In the end, he straightened his waist. Fu Xi, who was under him, immediately rolled her eyes and kept screaming.

"Ahhh—I can't take it anymore—"
