There's Something Wrong With Him

Gong Hao and his teammates surrounded them.

With people around him, Gong Cheng felt more confident. He pointed at the roaring bear and started acting.

"I was in so much pain last night that I couldn't sleep well. I came out to take a walk, but it heard my movements and started attacking me, forcing me up a tree. Look, it's still going crazy!"

"If I don't kill it, it will kill me sooner or later."

The more Gong Cheng spoke, the more Little Bear roared and kept pawing the ground.

That fierce gaze shocked Gong Cheng.

How could this beast be so humane?

He was afraid that it would cause more trouble, so he took the gun and aimed it at Little Bear's head.

"I'll kill you."

"Enough." Seeing that the situation was rapidly deteriorating, Fu Xi blocked Little Bear and stared at Gong Cheng coldly.

Something was wrong with him.