There's Someone Else Here

Not far away, Little Bear's cry rang out.

Fu Xi listened for a moment and pulled Gong Hao into the forest.

"Something seems to have happened to Little Bear."

Seeing her anxiety, Gong Hao quickened his footsteps and followed her.

The two of them followed the sound and quickly found Little Bear, who was howling under a tree. It kept pawing the ground with its fur standing on ends.

Fu Xi walked over and gently stroked its head, calming it down.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Her voice was gentle and Little Bear gradually calmed down. It rubbed his head against her hand and let out a low moan.

Gong Hao called out to her from the side.

"Xi'er, come take a look at this."

Fu Xi carried Little Bear and looked over. She saw a row of clear footsteps. The marks of the toe joints were very clear, seemingly left by someone barefoot.