I’ll Only Lie to You

The boat moved steadily at sea.

The food Gong Cheng had sent over was not bad. Fu Xi was eating a piece of bread covered in caviar and lazily resting her foot on the end of the bed.

Considering that they had been surviving in the rainforest, suddenly having a bed, and not having to worry about animals chasing after them felt really great.

"Xi'er, do you want a sip?"

Gong Hao brought over a glass of red wine. This was the private collection on the ship. It was vintage wine and the air was filled with the alluring fragrance of wine.

Fu Xi sniffled and smiled slightly.

"This wine is not bad." She took it and took two sips, then placed it aside and looked at Gong Hao. "Ah Hao, what is he doing?"

She was asking about Gong Cheng.

"Looking at the sea map," Gong Hao replied calmly as he ate and drank.

Fu Xi frowned again.

Look at the sea maps?