The Soft-hearted Man

The fleet sailed on the sea. Fu Xi and Gong Hao were on a speedboat specially prepared by the pirate leader. It could only accommodate three to five people and was simple to control. It was very suitable for the two of them.

Now, there were only the two of them on the boat. The other pirates were steering their ships around to protect them. When they left the dangerous waters, the pirate leader would return with the pirate ship.

Fu Xi stood on the deck and looked at the departing ship. She couldn't help but smile.

"At least it smells like the King of the Sea."

"This isn't a big deal." Gong Hao steered the boat and stood beside her. "When we've dealt with all the trouble, I'll let you see what a true King of the Sea looks like."

At that time, a casual order would result in several large ships at his beckoning. These pirate ships did not even have the right to escort him.