This Bed is a Gift

Gong Cheng was trembling and cold sweat was dripping down his forehead.

He was finished.

These Indians all listened to Fu Xi. He was afraid that she would use the same method to burn him alive here.

He didn't want to die!

At the thought of this, Gong Cheng turned to look at Gong Hao and begged for mercy loudly.

"Big brother, I was wrong. I shouldn't have opposed you. I was also forced. If I don't attack you, I'll be the one to die. Big brother, please spare me."

He begged as tears flowed from his eyes, like a child who had done something wrong, his eyes filled with confusion.

Gong Hao turned his head to the side. Gong Cheng was the only member of the Gong family that he had once trusted, and he also sincerely treated him like a brother. He even did not hesitate to expose his true strength and invested in his brother's security company.

Unfortunately, he had raised an ingrate.