Break Your Hand

Gong Hao's cold gaze was like a poisonous knife, stabbing into one's heart.

Although most people were afraid of his power, they were still open-minded. Only one person avoided his gaze and only glanced at him before secretly hiding back.

Gong Hao strode forward and pressed him down. His voice was cold. "You cut the rope?"

His tone was so certain that the man jumped and defended himself. "No, not me."

The director looked over. When he saw the man's face, his expression turned ugly.

"You're the stage supervisor. Even if you didn't do it, you didn't examine it carefully. You can't shirk responsibility."

The stage supervisor?

Gong Hao snorted coldly and kicked the stage supervisor to the ground, stepping on his arm.

"Check the security cameras. If it wasn't him, I'll apologize and make it up. If it was him…"

Gong Hao didn't continue, but everyone shuddered.